A Guide to the Juvenile Justice Act 2018UNICEF has kindly given permission for the electronic version of their guide to be made available on our site as a means of public education Please click here to access the guide Sexual Offences HandbookHelp & Shelter has kindly given permission for the electronic version of their Sexual Offences Act Handbook to be made available on our site as a means of public education |
Clinic workload constraintThe Clinic is the only institutional provider of legal aid in Guyana and its limited resources are such that it is often unable to meet the great demand for its services. It is therefore frequently necessary to prioritise between persons who meet the eligibility criteria, with those requiring urgent assistance and those who have come long distances to the Clinic being seen first and others being asked to return at a later date.
GAWL's The Law & You VThe Guyana Association of Women Lawyers has recently published The Law and You V, which consolidates and updates the previous volumes I, II, II, and IV, and adds new topics. Booklets about the Revised Constitution of Guyana 2001The Women and Gender Equality Commission has kindly given permission for the electronic version of their booklets on the Revised Constitution of Guyana 2001 to be made available on our website as a means of public education. |